
Besides the functionality that quo provides to interface with argument parsing and handling, it also provides a bunch of addon functionality that is useful for writing command line utilities.

Printing to Stdout¶

The most obvious helper is the echo() and inscribe() function, which in many ways works like the Python print statement or function. Example:

import quo

quo.echo('Hello World!')

It can output both text and binary data. It will emit a trailing newline by default, which needs to be suppressed by passing nl=False:

import quo

quo.echo(b'\xe2\x98\x83', nl=False)

Last but not least echo() uses quo’s intelligent internal output streams to stdout and stderr which support unicode output on the Windows console. This means for as long as you are using quo.echo() you can output unicode characters (there are some limitations on the default font with regards to which characters can be displayed).

Quo emulates output streams on Windows to support unicode to the Windows console through separate APIs. For more information see wincmd.

Printing to Standard error¶

You can easily print to standard error by passing err=True:

import quo

quo.echo('Hello World!', err=True)

American National Standards Institute(ANSI) Colors¶

The echo() function gained extra functionality to deal with ANSI colors and styles. Note that on Windows, this functionality is only available if colorama is installed. If it is installed, then ANSI codes are intelligently handled.

Primarily this means that:

  • Quo’s echo() function will automatically strip ANSI color codes if the stream is not connected to a terminal.

  • the echo() function will transparently connect to the terminal on Windows and translate ANSI codes to terminal API calls. This means that colors will work on Windows the same way they do on other operating systems.

Note for colorama support: Quo will automatically detect when colorama is available and use it. Do not call colorama.init()!

To install colorama, run this command:

$ pip install colorama

For styling and adding more flair to a string, :meth: fg or :meth: bg; amongst others, can be attached to the echo() :

import quo
from quo import echo
echo('Hello World!', fg='green')
echo('Some more text', bg='blue', fg='white')
echo('ATTENTION', blink= True, bold= True, italic= True)

Scrollable test¶

In some situations, you might want to show long texts on the terminal and let a user scroll through it. This can be achieved by using the scrollable() function which works similarly to the echo() function, but always writes to stdout.


def less():
    quo.scrollable("\n".join(f"Line {idx}" for idx in range(200)))

If you want to print a lot of text, especially if generating everything in advance would take a lot of time, you can pass a generator (or generator function) instead of a string:

def _generate_output():
    for idx in range(50000):
        yield f"Line {idx}\n"

def less():

Screen Clearing¶

To clear the terminal screen, you can use the quo.clear() function. It does what the name suggests: it clears the entire visible screen in a platform-agnostic way:

import quo


Getting Characters from Terminal(getchar)¶

Normally, when reading input from the terminal, you would read from standard input. However, this is buffered input and will not show up until the line has been terminated. In certain circumstances, you might not want to do that and instead read individual characters as they are being written.

For this, Quo provides the getchar() function which reads a single character from the terminal buffer and returns it as a Unicode character.

Note that this function will always read from the terminal, even if stdin is instead a pipe.

import quo

quo.confirm(f"Start Interpose")
c = quo.getchar()
if c == 'y':
    quo.echo('We will go on')
elif c == 'n':
    quo.echo('Invalid input :(')

Note that this reads raw input, which means that things like arrow keys will show up in the platform’s native escape format. The only characters translated are ^C and ^D which are converted into keyboard interrupts and end of file exceptions respectively. This is done because otherwise, it’s too easy to forget about that and to create scripts that cannot be properly exited.

Waiting for Key Press(pause)¶

Sometimes, it’s useful to pause until the user presses any key on the keyboard.

In quo, this can be accomplished with the quo.pause() function. This function will print a quick message to the terminal (which can be customized) and wait for the user to press a key. In addition to that, it will also become a NOP (no operation instruction) if the script is not run interactively.

  • info (Optional[str]) – The message to print before pausing. Defaults to “Press any key to proceed >> ..”.

import quo


Printing Filenames¶

Because filenames might not be Unicode, formatting them can be a bit tricky.

The way this works with quo is through the quo.formatfilename() function. It does a best-effort conversion of the filename to Unicode and will never fail. This makes it possible to use these filenames in the context of a full Unicode string.

import quo

quo.echo(f"Path: {quo.formatfilename(b'foo.txt')}")

Standard Streams¶

For command line utilities, it’s very important to get access to input and output streams reliably. Python generally provides access to these streams through sys.stdout and friends but quo provides the binarystream() and textstream() functions, which produce consistent results with different Python versions and for a wide variety of terminal configurations.

The end result is that these functions will always return a functional stream object (except in very odd cases; see Unicode Support).

import quo

stdin_t = quo.textstream('stdin')
stdout_b = quo.binarystream('stdout')

Finding Application Folders¶

Very often, you want to open a configuration file that belongs to your application. However, different operating systems store these configuration files in different locations depending on their standards. Quo provides a quo.appdir() function which returns the most appropriate location for per-user config files for your application depending on the OS.

import os
import quo
import ConfigParser

APP_NAME = 'My Application'

def read_config():
    cfg = os.path.join(quo.appdir(APP_NAME), 'config.ini')
    parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
    rv = {}
    for section in parser.sections():
        for key, value in parser.items(section):
            rv[f"{section}.{key}"] = value
    return rv